Math Formulary

Keeping mathematical formulary in memory is mighty difficult for me, so I wrote this page as a little compendium (math rendering by KateX).


Notation: $$\partial$$ partial derivative, nabla $$\nabla$$ all partial derivatives, laplacian $$\Delta = \nabla^2$$ all second derivatives.

Linear algebra

Notation: $$\vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}$$ or $$\left \langle u, v \right \rangle$$ dot product, $$A \vec{u}$$ or $$AB$$ matrix multiplication, $$\vec{u} \times \vec{v}$$ cross product, $$A_{ij}$$ i-th row then j-th column of a matrix, $$\vec{v}_i$$ i-th row (entry) of a vector.

Matrix Calculus

Notation as in calculus and linear algebra above.


And that is it! Hope you found something worth noting. Have a good day to remember!

EOF (Mar:2021)