Using the Choose Name Screen

Use the Choose Name screen to name the characters in Phantasy Star II. You can use up to four letters in each name. In a New Game, the first character you name is yourself, the hero.

Press the D Button up, down, left, and right to move the flasher. When the letter you want is flashing, press Button C. The letter appears at the top of the screen in place of the question mark. In the same Way, choose up to three more letters for the character's name.

To leave a space between letters, choose ADV (Advance) and press the Button C. A space counts as one letter in your name. To delete the last letter you selected, choose RUB and press Button C. (Or press Button B without choosing RUB.)

When your name isa the way you want it choose END and press Button C. Read the message that appears, then press Button C again. The game begins.

NOTE: If you don't want to name the hero, leave the question mark at the top of the screen. When you choose END, the hero will automatically be named ROLF.