Aukba, one of three cities on Dezo

This town is located in the northern part of Dezo. From here you can travel to the Crevice to reach the Esper Mansion. After you received the Aero Prism as a donation by Lutz, you will find all the locations you couldn´t even see before. Now it is possible to reach the Menobe Dungeon west of Aukba.

Weapons Armory Tools Hospital
Ceramic Sword3.200 Mes. Laconia Gear28.000 Mes. Monomate20 Mes. Healing50 Mes. / comrade
Laser Knife4.400 Mes. Laconia Cape36.000 Mes. Telepipe130 Mes. Use the right cap!
Laconia Mace16.800 Mes. Sandals180 Mes.
Danyaraha? Bebekucha?

Wear a Mogic Cap when speaking to Dezorians. You will not understand them otherwise. If you are wearing a Magic Cap, they will all tell lies to you.

Acid Slasher24.000 Mes. Hirza Boots9.800 Mes.
Laser Shot6.200 Mes. Ceramic Emel9.700 Mes.
Pulse Cannon32.000 Mes. Laconia Shield13.000 Mes.
Teleport Clone Lab Memory
Transport60 Mes. Revive Feedepends on level Save gamefree