Ryuon, the gateway to Guaron Dungeon

This town is located in the southeastern region of Dezo. The best thing about Ryuon is that it is the only place all over the Algo Star System where you can buy the Trimate medicine. So return here very often to stock up your supplies.

Weapons Armory Tools Hospital
Knife100 Mes. Ribbon80 Mes. Trimate160 Mes. Healing50 Mes. / comrade
Laser Slasher6.700 Mes. Laconinish35.000 Mes. Escapipe70 Mes. How to reach Guaron.
Laconia Dagger18.400 Mes. Laconia Chest28.000 Mes.

Trimate is sold
only in Ryuon!
Laconia Sword22.000 Mes. Garda Boots12.400 Mes.
Vulcan12.600 Mes. Laconia Emel12.000 Mes.
Laser Cannon20.000 Mes. Laconia Shield13.000 Mes.
Teleport Clone Lab Memory
Transport60 Mes. Revive Feedepends on level Save gamefree