My Guitar Setup

My guitar setup consists of a Sigma half-acoustic electric guitar, a Boss ME-20 effect board and a Marshall amp.

1 Guitar

The Sigma half-acoustic has the advantage that it sounds reasonably well when practicing without any amp.

2 Amplifier

A Marshall G80R CD [manual] and a smaller Rockwood RW25R amp. Both come with decent Overdrive and Reverb, but not much more.

Marshal G80R CD amp, front view
Marshal G80R CD amp, front view

Effects are done through a multi effect board instead.

3 Effect Board

The Boss ME-20 [manual] has three modes: Default is manual, pressing pedal 1+2 is tuning and pedal 2+3 is memory (same combo again is back to manual). You will spend most of the time in memory mode. For setup, connect the power source to DC in (or use 6 AA batteries), your amp (off!) to L-Mono and your guitar to Input -- the latter will "turn on" the ME-20. Now switch on your amp.

Boss ME-20, back view
Boss ME-20, back view

Tuner mode (pedal 1+2) shows the currently played tone and two small triangles, left and right. If both are visible, the tone is good. If only the left is visible, go higher in tone. If only the right is visible, go lower.

Memory mode (pedal 2+3) has ten banks of three voices each. To switch voice, push pedal 1 2 or 3. To switch bank, long-press any pedal until all three pedal lights flash, then pedal 1 for bank down and 2 for up, then pedal 3 to confirm, then any pedal to switch to that voice in the new bank.

Edit the current voice with Edit/Exit button; to abort press Edit again, to overwrite press Write button to the right of it (then select bank and pedal, then press Write again). During editing, use pedals 1 2 3 to indicate which combination of effects you want: Pedal 1 for overdrive ("OD/DS"), pedal 2 for chorus ("Mod") and pedal 3 for hall ("Delay"). To actually edit said category, press one of the four vertical Effect select buttons with the LEDs to the left of them; this activates one row that you can now influence with the four horizontal knobs.

Boss ME-20, top view
Boss ME-20, top view

To save the relative loudness of your voice, use the Master Level knob (to the right) prior to saving; or press the fourth Effect select button in the equalizer ("EQ") row, then adjust volume per frequency range. Note that apparently the Master Level knob during playing is somehow combined with the master level used during editing.

Manual mode is where you start to get a new voice. Use EZ Edit for a quick start where like during editing, you use pedal 1 2 3 for the combination of effects you want. Each pedal now has an associated knob to choose some options from; the Effect select buttons and their rows are inactive. Possible options, adding the fourth knob for equalizer, are:

OD/DS Mod Delay EQ
1 Overdrive 1 Light chorus 360ms Flat
2 Overdrive 2 Deep chorus Short 160ms Mid boost
3 Blues 1 Slow phaser Doubling Scoop
4 Blues 2 Medium phaser 500ms Vintage
5 Distortion 1 Light flanger Long 700ms Bright
6 Distortion 2 Deep flanger Short 90ms Fat lead
7 Metal 1 Medium tremolo Rhythm 400ms Jazz
8 Metal 2 Fast tremolo Small reverb
9 Fuzz 1 Slow rotary Medium reverb
10 Fuzz 2 Fast rotary Large reverb
11 Compressor
EZ Edit options

Once you are done and press Write, it is the same bank+pedal choosing as above during editing, with a second Write button press to confirm. Also, after saving you are in memory mode again.

There is also a nifty pre-selection in the banks.

Good for selecting one, saving to another bank+voice as basis, and then editing around until it fits.


And that was it, my personal guitar setup. If you have the same equipment, maybe you could use the above for a quick look-up. Thanks for leaving a part of your attention span here, and have a good day!

EOF (Sep:2023)